Written by: said sharbash
Rheumatoid disease represents the first health crisis in all countries of the world, the most important and most prominent of which is the United States of America, which has registered 130 million patients with rheumatic diseases who resort to public health care annually, and 70 million visit private clinics; To cure a dreadful disease is useless. The cost of this disease in the United States reaches 54 billion dollars annually without a tangible result, while cupping, the actual and safe treatment, costs almost nothing; As the price of plastic cups for cupping does not reach a dollar, and the treatment session does not take much time, and in most cases the treatment does not require more than one session, and the result is immediate.
On the other hand, the cost of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants, which do not provide an actual health benefit, reaches $ 10, with repeated treatment more than once.
And many international universities, especially the United States, have approved cupping as a science taught there, in the name of Cupping Therapy.
We publish some American colleges for teaching cupping, for example, but not limited to:
The United States of America includes a number of alternative medicine colleges, including the following:
Daytona State College
Madison Area Technical College
Miami Dade College
Drexel University
Vincennes University
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Idaho State University
We also publish some foreign links about cupping, as well as, but not limited to: